Monday, April 14, 2008
Why Google Will Slowly Become Its Own Internet
I know this may seem a little crazy, however it is looking more and more like Google will one day dominate the internet in a way that it will almost be the internet. They are slowly creeping into every possible market, and now even creeping into the internet backbone market. Here are a few reasons why I feel Google will almost own the entire net eventually:
#1 - Google Knol. Googles new Knol project which will, in a way, take on Wikipedia, shows us that they are stepping into the roles of those sites which people goto the most. Wikipedia, by far, is the number one site people click on at Google when searching. Google knows this, so figures, why not keep this traffic on our servers, generating ad dollars for ourselves, thus created Knol.
#2 - Google Cell Phone. Google knows that the market is trending more towards smart phones with internet access, instead of stand alone PCs, so what do they do? They come out with their very own cell phone operating system known as Android. Not only this but they plan on actually bidding on the old UHF spectrum which will allow them to own the airwaves and become their own cell phone provider. This would be huge since it would basically capture a large deal of the approximately 2 billion cell phone users in the world.
#3 - Google buying up servers and fiber optic lines. They are planning something big, whether in a month or 5 years they will own a major part pf the internet infrastructure in the United States. Maybe they will rename the "World Wide Web" the "Google Wide Web".
Is this a good or a bad thing? Well its tough to say, because we are talking years into the future, however if Google keeps their current model in place, of allowing free markets to determine basically everything they are involved in, then it probably will be a good thing. After they take over much of the internet whats next? Health care, biomedical operations, genome studies? Who knows. One thing is for sure, Google has access to information, and in the new world of technology, that is worth more then anything else. They can predict which products will be hits, which websites will grow, and most importantly, where to move their interest to next.
Brian Krassenstein is the CEO of T & E Advertising Inc, a Web based advertising Corporation. He also manages forums such as: Scam Warning Alerts and Get Paid Forum
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